फक्त तुझ्यासाठी ..!

आयुष्याचा प्रत्येक क्षण तुझ्यासोबत चालत होतो
आणि आज नजरेआड होताना तुलाच पाहत होतो
भावनांचा कल्लोळ मनातून वाहत होतो
वेदनांचे वादळ क्षण क्षण झेलत होतो

भरभरून दिलेस तूच आणि रिक्तही केलेस तूच
सुख देता देता दुःखच फक्त दिलेस तू
अश्रूंचे जळ मी माझ्याच ओंजळीने पीत होतो
तरीही फक्त तुझ्यासाठी सर्व सहन करीत होतो

सुखाची तुझ्या भाषाच निराळी होती
पण माझ्या सुखाची तार तूझ्याशी जुळली होती
मनाचा कोंडमारा सहन करीत जगासाठी हसत होतो
आणि एकांतात फक्त तुझ्यासाठी रडत होतो

का ग तु अशी वागतेस?

तुला पाहिलं कि हृदयाची घंटा वाजते.
तुझि उपस्थिति अख्ख्या जगाचं सुख देउन जाते.
तुझ्या बरोबर जगलेले दिवस,
आयुष्याला खुप आठ्वणी देउन जातात.
मग अलगद विचारावसं वाटत ,
का ग तु अशी वागतेस ..

तुला पाहिलं कि स्वतःला विसरतो,
तुला पाहिलं कि स्वतःला हरवतो,
तुला पाहिलं कि जगच ठेंगन वाटत.
तु प्रत्येक गोष्ट किति सहजतेने समजुन घेतेस ग.
मग अलगद विचारावसं वाटत ,
का ग तु अशी वागतेस ग.

तुला खुप जाणावस वाटत,
तुला खुप ऒळ्खावस वाटत,
सारख तुझ्या सानिध्यात रहावस वाटत.
सर्वात मिसळून जाण्याचि तुझि ति अदा.........
मग अलगद विचारावसं वाटत ,
का ग तु अशी वागतेस ग.

तुझा तो अबोलेपणा, निरागसते चा प्रितिपणा,
मला तुझ वेड लाउन जात.... वेड....
आनंद व्यक्त करणारि तुझी अदा,
जगण्याला महत्व देउन जाते.
मग अलगद विचारावसं वाटत ,
का ग तु अशी वागतेस ग.

तुझ हसणं, तुझ रुसण,
माझ्या आयुष्याला जणू ऊद्देश देउन जातं.
आयुष्यात जणू तुझीच गरज होती,
अस्सं वाटायला लागतं
तुझा विचार जरी मनात आला ना........
तरी गालावर एक गोड्सं हसु देउन जातं.
मग पुन्हा पुन्हा विचारवसं वाटत ग....
का ग तु अशी वागतेस गं....
का ग तु अशी वागतेस गं....

तुझ्यामध्ये आहेत ज्या उणीवा....

तुझ्यामध्ये आहेत ज्या उणीवा
हसत हसत तू काबुल कर
तुझ्यामध्ये आहेत ज्या जाणीवा
ओरडून ओरडून त्यांना जागं कर !!!!!!

झोपलं आहे तुझं जे भाग्य
डोळ्यांवर पाणी ओत खडबडून त्याला जागं कर
हेवा असेल प्रत्येक मनी तुझा
शत्रूवरही जगावेगळं प्रेम तू कर!!!!!!!

जर दिलासा शब्द तू कुणाला
त्या शब्दांचा तू आदर कर
शास्त्रशास्त्र पारंगत असलास जरी तू
तुझ्या अमोघ शब्दांनीच शत्रूला तू पराजित कर !!!!!

असेल जीवन तुझे वादळ वाऱ्यापरी
असेल जीवनी तुझ्या दु:ख आभाळाएवढं
असेल आयुष्य तुझं सदा संघर्षमय
जीवन इतरांचं मात्र प्रकाशित कर !!!!!!!!


Fear By Ankit

I fear the struggle
I fear the strife
A fear of death
A fear of life

I fear for you
I fear for me
I fear of what
Will come to be

There's plenty to fear
Than fear itself
I fear the pain
and fear poor health

I fear my well
Is running dry
I fear so much
I'm forced to cry

I fear disaster
I fear the knife
I fear the blade
That is my life

I fear the man
I came to be
I fear the dark
And fail to see

I fear life's left me
On the shelf
I fear so much
It harms my health

I fear the help
For which I cry
I fear success
I'm scared to try


Love? By Ankit

When love has come
But soon is gone
It begs the question
Was it there

The love was lost
And never found
Lost without you
Lost without me
Lost into eternity

The love was just a figment
A figment of our minds
Something we could ponder
But never express

Was it love or just a feeling
Was it love or just healing

Healing from the hatred
The hatred of our hearts
Our past was deep and full of pain
We needed this to release the stain

For this I do not regret
The time with you that I had spent

Death Trap

Death Trap By Ankit

Don't fall too deep
Into the death trap
There is nothing to gain
And everything to lose

You get attached
To people you don't know
Only to get hurt
For their stupid show

Your mind gets boggled
With thoughts that aren't there
Your heart gets crushed
Just so they can snicker

The internet is my trap
Just like many others
Do not fall too deep
Into your death trap

When I Met

When I Met By Ankit

When I met you, just standing there,
winds from all directions in your slick black hair,
Surrounding your face, blowing in the air,
I couldn’t help but to just stand and stare

you stood there alone, no expression on your face
Its like you were seperated from the human race,
You dint move you just stood in place
If you were a card youd be a lonely ace

I searched in my mind for something to say,
But it seemed like my voice had just gone away,
i thought of something, but it was kind of lame
I got so nervous, my hands felt like clay

You looked at me, I saw you, too
We both didnt know what to do
I saw in your eyes, you got the clue
I just had to be with you

I stepped forward, clutching myself tight,
I asked if you were free tonight,
you said sure, I said “alright! ”

Theres always a time that makes your heartbeat,
It’s when you and your true love first meet,
You can feel the sensation from your head to your feet.

That’s the feeling that makes life complete.

Gone But Still Dying Here

Gone But Still Dying Here By Ankit

You were the one, the one I loved and adored
But now that you’re gone I feel as if…
As If I can’t feel anymore.
You were the light that broke throught the night
guiding me forward..
You were the string holding my life in place but now I fall.

I should have told you how I felt
I should have stood up for you
I should have been your helping hand but I was never around to catch your falling tears.

I just wish there was some way to bring you back to me
And maybe just maybe I could show you how this was meant to be.
But now that you’re gone I know you’re watching me
To gaze in you’re eyes would make me faint
To feel your touch would make my own heart skip a beat.
To hear you say those words meant nothing to me back then but now it means my whole world.

I want to be your Boy that you cared about..
I want to be the Boy who believed you when you said “I love you.”
Now that you’re gone I feel as if..I’m dying…

Dying drom the betrayal and pain that now runs through my veins
Dying from your love in which I wish I could have once again….

What is love?

What is love? By Ankit

The age old question. what is love?
Isn’t it the greatest gift from the holy one above
Is it pure and white like a newborn dove?

Does it cuddle you up like a hand in a glove?
What is love? A simple but hard question
What is love? I have a suggestion

Love is peace and love is hope
Love is the referee that gets you off the ropes
Love is a beach of water and sand
Love is the backup to all other plans
Love is unknown to those who hate
Love is the key that gets you into the gate
Love is the sugar that is in candy
Love is a tool that will always come in handy
Love is a leaf on the tree
Love is the wedding ring and Her on one knee
Love is solid like a table
Love is not a myth love is not a fable
Love is true and love is real
You’ll know when you find it by the way you feel

Love is great. It’ll never disappoint you even if it comes late.
L-O-V-E will make you drop you to your knees
Love is the key that opens the door
Love is the thing that you want more and more
Love is the only thing that you live for

The One and Only You

The One and Only You By Ankit

I want you to remember
Those good old days
Those days of happiness
When everything went your way

I want you to cherish these memories
I don't want you to let them go
And I hope they make you happy
As they did so long ago

I wish I could comfort you
Shield you from life's pain
I wish I could just give you everything
You definitely deserve something to gain

You've always told me not to give up
Well here is a lesson for you
If you ever need me, call
That is all you have to do

You've been through so much these days
I'm sure God has something planned out
But in order to see it
You cannot be blinded by doubt

So help me help you
Tell me everything you're going through
Let go of all these troubles
Because the more you hold on the more it doubles

Please, I can see your smile fading
I can hear your voice crack
You may not be near
But you know I got your back

In the past I wasn't always there
Give me a chance this time
I swear on my life I'll be right beside you
To save the emptiness in your mind

With your heart so fragile
With your soul so true
This is a tribute
To the one and only you

So smile your gorgeous smile
Walk with your chin held high
Get up off the ground
Don't let your dreams die